The Magic of the Valentine Soiree

Flips, twists, and decide. This VIP party is your creation, where you can bring your great company, talents, and tricks. Dress up in black tie, devil or angel costume, or dress down. Be you. Robert's Re-Creations will be hitting the runway. We will let you know what other entertainment is planned. The main purpose this year is to connect more deeply and focus on our charities, No Kid Hungry, The Crisis Center, and Lemon Sponge Cake. And the whole event is by donation!! The location will be sent with the invitation.

About Our Charity No Kid Hungry

1 in 5 kids in America face hunger. There is plenty of food and wealth in this country to feed everyone. We just need to get the food to everyone, and No Kid Hungry does just that.

About Our Charity The Crisis Center

Home is meant to be a place of safety, fun, and replenishment. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are likely to be a victim of violence due to an intimate partner in their lifetime. Many of those people have nobody to turn to, yet The Crisis Center in Denver has opened its doors and phone lines of support in many ways.

About Our Charity Lemon Sponge Cake

According to research, art is one of the most important components of psychological well-being. Yet only 10% of art school graduates make a living from art and thus the term starving artist. Robert Sher-Machherndl, the main dancer and choreographer of Lemon Sponge Cake in Boulder, CO, is one of the most authentic, expressive, and generous dancers Avital knows, and thus, she encourages us all to support his work. Robert is internationally recognized, and a former Principal Dancer with Dutch National and Bavarian State Ballet. He works with dancers around the world to help elevate their artistic expression.

Click Below for More Info on Each Charity

No Kid Hungry

The Crisis Center

Lemon Sponge Cake


Click Below to Donate to Each Charity

No Kid Hungry

The Crisis Center

Lemon Sponge Cake


When donating, if you can add a note the donation was in honor of the Valentine Soiree and email Avital at which charity you donated to, that will help us keep track of our impact.


Fashion with a purpose. Let your creativity be sparked, bring your contributions, and let the magic unfold.

Robert's Re-Creations

Joshua Luckey Riddle of Robert's Re-Creations transforms the mundane into sassy wearable art through the discipline of upcycling.

Schedule for VIP Party on Jan 20, 2024

5pm-midnight: Come have a great chat, feast on snacks, or rock the dance floor!
8pm: Fashion show, entertainment, and sharing about our charities.

Address provided with invitation. Location is in Aurora, CO near Iliff and Tower.

2023 Valentine Soiree edition of Your Success magazine

Learn the back stories of our top event pros!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Danette Barrett

Rich Parsons



Conscious Community Solar

Bik's Fam and Friends Travel


Minuteman Press Aurora 21

Powur: Your Residential Solar Energy Company

Meet Your Host and the Producer of the Valentine Soiree:


Avital Miller, best-selling author of the award-winning books Healing Happens and Practice, is known for inspiring people to experience boundless energy, absolute happiness, and true success in order to live the best life possible. A former program manager at Microsoft, she is an international keynote speaker, corporate leadership seminar facilitator, healing breakthrough facilitator, and global dancer. Connect with Avital at and receive a free gift at  


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